Boys and Girls Haircuts & Treatments
Boys Hair Cuts
Bald Cut (Chiskop) R70.00
A clean cut for boys of all ages
Wash and Cut + Basic Style R180.00
0-6 years: R180.00 | 7-12 years: R210.00 | 13-18 years: R240.00
Finge Cut R110.00
A fringe cut for boys of all ages
Wash and Fringe Cut R110.00
A wash and fringe cut for boys of all ages
Hair Treatment R250.00
A specialized boys hair treatment
Girls Hair Cuts
Wash and Dry R180.00
A wash and dry for girls of all ages
Wash and Cut + Basic Style R200.00
0-6 years: R200.00 | 7-12 years: R230.00 | 13-18 years: R260.00
Finge Cut R110.00
A fringe cut for girls of all ages
Wash and Fringe Cut R150.00
A wash and fringe cut for girls of all ages
Hair treatment R250.00
A specialized girls hair treatment
Blow Dry R200.00
Short: R200.00 | Medium: R230.00 | Long: R260.00
Hair Plating [Cornrows and Braids]
Freehand 2 Lines R250.00
No Hairpiece extension added
Hairpiece 2 Lines R290.00
Hairpiece added
Benny and Betty R290.00
No extension added: R290 | With Extensions added: R350
Needle Cornrows: Straight back, Straight up, Ponies R290.00
Without Hairpiece Extension: R290 | With Hairpiece Extension added: R350
Freehand: Straight back, Straight up, Ponies R300.00
Without Hairpiece Extension: R300 | With Hairpiece Extension R360
Hairpiece cornrows: Straight back, Straight up, Ponies R360.00
Without Hairpiece Extension